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Here she comes

The Rose of Stambul

Weter geht es für alle Operettenfreunde mit jüdischen Komponisten und Librettisten. Aus aktuellem Anlass müssen wir

breakig NeWs


Denn Dr Bernhard Farkasch hat sich entschlossendies Nette Maus in Operettenland


The Rose of Stambul premiered in 1916. In the middle of the First World War. German and Austrian Jews also fought on the side of their monarchs. So lets sing together.

It was one of the best times of the Jewish religion. Fully recognized by Christians and Muslims.

There is only one God, for jews,Christians and Muslims, Its The same God and he will bring us the victory.

But of course: No one's form of religion may completely exclude the other's form of worship. THe cristians not the muslim religion an the form os warship, especially the way to praise and praise God. But Muslims also have to be tolerant of Christians and their way of praising God. This also applies to the form of love and charity. 

We need more tolerance in this world. Especially in times of the Gaza war, we should advocate tolerance between Muslims and Jews. But that is not so easy. The Jews invaded the populated land of Canaan and enslaved or murdered its population. According to modern criteria, genocide. But King David is not without problems either. He enslaved the Philistines in Gaza.

if we take a stroll through the history of art, we would not find a triumphant march of Jews into Jerusalem. also not by the beautiful cutthroat Guidtita.

Unfortunately, we cannot determine iconographically whether the little man in the middle is a Jew. We do know, however, that all Jews were sent to Tripolitania. If it is a Jew, he is unlucky, because he stands like Daniel in a lion pit. Maybe it's a Levite, a Cohn who is doing Bendit right now

It makes sense for the Jews to explain to the world that the current Jewish religion has nothing to do with genocide..No one can take this task off their hands, for they must preach their religion to Jewish communities.  just as an example - I find Rabbi Grossmann well suited. of course, Jews from Israel who are suspected of genocide are not suitable

Christians also have a murderous past. Keywords: cross, Inquisition 3 Years' War. But the Catholic Church has the possibility to proceed through the Pope, Vatian and Councils. But even this requires tolerance, first of all within the Catholic Church

The Muslims no longer have a caliph due to military defeats against imperialism. That makes a lot of things more difficult. Kemal Atatürk carried out almost reforms. A nationalist Turkish Islam emerged. Through the democratization of Turkey, against the Kemalists, many things have improved.

This also applies to past forms of praise and love. because the Ottoman caliph had a harem in which he looked forward to physical paradise. In this he kept sex slaves and if they did not comply with him they were tortured.

But women were also allowed to keep slaves and torture them. But women were also allowed to keep slaves and torture them.

For example this way

This method of torture is Cerantes symbolized as a bird and birds ar singing. But why ? The slave produces the cuddle hormone oxytocin. And then he wants to cuddle with his dulcina, in our case the Rose of Stambul. But when does he make the stain, " stain = mancha "  in the REM phase of sleep. Then the penis stiffens and vivid dreams and ejaculations can occur.

Quixote is Albanian and means "fuck yourself". Algiers was then full of Albanians and Cervantes was also captured by an Albanian.


The picture has more than one meaning. If we consider: free blacks are also allowed to own slaves.

However, it is also possible for them to keep two white Negroes, one of whom beats the other for infidelidelity. this slave did not want to be a trustee. ( trustee = tru man =Treumann, Name of tenor in Marry the widow).

let se frst this  a an evidece

english Rose and yes Co (company)

more easily to anderstand of gül#s slave Midili the Pony slave girl. a female slave wo want's to be mounted. Areal Montenegro. Her Mistress gül says to her white negro  monte Negro she has sufficent women to mount. Güzela the beauty, fat me make me fat,  Emine the femal emin mke the montaje sure and dulane stopps everything and sobi de "in the oven" is nomaly hot, may be a hot hungarian from Buda.  Bülbül the can sing like a neigthingale if Romeo Kemal Atatürk is ordering this.

All forms are licensed by the only God

That is especally tru, for the bosniaks.fighting on Austrian ground.

The Rose of Stambul has to marry of Kemal Pasha.  but it has various Dobble meaings in the operettas. Clear is her father ist Mustafa Pasha.   

R ose of Stambul

Above all, the Salafist jihadism of the military border offers the Jews another advantage -

the religious justification of Israel's right to exist

Personally, I am also in favor of Israel's right to exist, not for religious reasons, because I am an atheist. Even today, people with a Jewish religion are at risk of being persecuted because of their religion. They need a safe haven to which they can flee or retreat. Why not Israel ? és

But clearly, what is happening in Gaza today is intolerable. More than 80% of the world's population or almost 100% of all Muslims believe it is genocide

Judaism worldwide is therefore hated by Muslims. We must therefore point out Jews who are not part of the Zionist Netanyahu clique

On the Jewshgerman operetta Jews who made a great contribution to german and world culture.

The Jewish librettists are also very important

Alfred Grünwald

Julius Brammer

and here it comes

♫♫  drum roll ♫♫

♫♫  fanfares ♫♫

a scientific contribution to

die Rose von Stambul

the compulsive love

Compulsive love was invented by the Muslim Arabs, refined by the Ottomans and reached the Habsburgs via the military border. After World War I, it was further refined by the Jews in Vienna. Fritz öhner called her Hakoah

the power (of God)

The Jews on the military border discovered that the Ottomans could produce love. They tried to create love so that they, the Jews, would be loved. It is also important for Jordanians under the leadership of Queen Raina to force Germans to love Jews, because then the risk of ever committing or supporting genocide again, for example with money, will decrease.

But how ???

like the Turks did it. The Germans have to endure Love's production on the Jews helplessly. and that is by definition


This is where the first problem starts


is prohibitated by international law. But not a little bit within a satire

next problem
we need skilled slave driver

But how to get the skills ?

you can learn them

Skills for slavedrivers

Leo fall  musik

RWe should not foget the musik

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Sie sind Ihre Träume. Ihr seid eure Leidenschaften. Ihr seid alles, was ihr je gewesen seid, in jedem Augenblick eures Lebens.

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So is my thinking:

Leo Fall was a god composer without doubt. But  here we looking for the jewish komposer

but we want to understand the jewish librettist

Brammer, julia

Feddi from Grünwald

 an der Hochschule nicht Bei der Rose von Stambul geht es um beides zuerst einmal zuest natürlich um die beiden Libetisten

alfred grünwald

julius Brammer

sie hen für verschiedene, Komponisten dr silbrnen Opeettenära geschrieben. Lehar, kalman  und natürlich Leo Fall. Alles bekannte Komponisten sie schrieben auch für Josef Beer, dem theoeretisch besten judendeutschen Komponistenden; denn hat wirklich das Komponieren an der Hochschule gelernnt. r wurde leider nicht bekannt, denn er weigerte sich mit Nazikollaborateuren zusammenzuarbeiten. Und natürlich auch mit Antifaschistischen Mörder. Die Mauermörder aus der DDR unter dem Stalinisten Ulbricht, Stalin lebte ja auch noch seine Verbündten, Churchill und Eisenhower.  Politische Bezüge werden im zunächst noch virtuellebn polnische Hochzeit zur Zeit in Lemberg.

Identifizieren Sie Ihre Ziele und erreichen Sie sie

Die Ziele sind identfiziet. wichtig:

Religiöse Entspannung durch interreligiösen Dialog

und natürlich Kampf für den Friden, Kampf gegen Nazis und gegen Faschisten Kampf gege Genozid.

Genozid wird zur Zeit in Lemberg in der Ukraine durchgefüht.  Zigeuner werden ermordet und sind in die Karpathenukraine geflüchtet. Die nette Frau rechts hat die passende Hautfarbe, ist allerdings keine Zigeunerin, sondern ein Model. In der Karpatenukraine haben sie ein schlehtes Auskommen, da Sie mitten im Wald nichts verdienen können.   d.h. Sieh hungern und frieren wie zur Zeit der Nazis. der Nazis und derer Ukrainischer Verbündete.

den Nazi-Ukrainer , wie zum Beispiel Bandera SteffiS

 unsere Plattform

Freiheit bei Grünen und SPD

 heute im Ausverkauf

50 % Rabatt

für potentielle BSW Wähler

personifizierte Freiheit von Budapescht

 unsere PlattformTe

Freiheit bei Grünen und SPD

  heute im Ausverkauf

50 % Rabatt

Plattform für guter Kathoiken von der CDU

N Höt auf die worte des Papstes es ist Terrorismus was in Gaza gaza geschieht Eine Verteidigung von Terroristen ist Ausverkauf der freiheit. mit 50 % Rabatt durch  SPD und Grüne und höert auf den Papst i Bezug auf die Ukraine. Der Rauswurf von russischer Mönche aus ihrem Stamkloster in Kiew hat den ukraime Konflickt weiter eskaliert

so may i introduce myself introduce myself I am  a men of wealth  and taste. Pleased to me sure you gues my name

mei name ish:


the Transylvanian from



all same ways willcome from behind

So that is the idea

i the queen of jordania,

have sent my man to germany. 

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He said

Let me int

پاداش پادشاهی صلح

Slave girl in handcuff, by entering the harem of king husein, the hashemit.And also her

julia klöckner

The story

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In every bottle

die Zwangsliebe

Die Zwangsliebe wurde von den muslimischen Aabern erfunden, von den Osmanen verfeinert und gelangte über die miliärgrnze zu den Habsburger. Nach dem 1. Weltkrieg  wurde sie durch die Juden in Wien weiter verfeinert. Fritz löhner nannte sie Hakoah

die Kraft (Gottes) 

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l'amore compulsivo

L'amore compulsivo fu inventato dagli arabi musulmani, perfezionato dagli Ottomani e raggiunse gli Asburgo attraverso il confine militare. Dopo la prima guerra mondiale venne ulteriormente perfezionato dagli ebrei di Vienna. Fritz öhner la chiamava Hakoah

il potere (di Dio)

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