♥ not genocide

Es geht um die beden Jüdinnen obendie meinen

Neuer TextThere is currently a problem. The Israeli army in Gaza. More than 80% of the world's population believes it is genocide. Ascending trend. Also in countries like the USA and Great Britain. All of these countries are democracies with freedom of expression. Things are different in Germany, because the SPD rules there. Palestinians who have the same opinions as Miriam Grossman and express them publicly risk prison, loss of citizenship and deportation. Just because they exercised their democratic right to freedom of expression. Of course, this does not threaten ordinary

Syrian members of the mafia.

That was the situation when King Hussein traveled from Jordan to Germany. and said:

there is a red line

 a red line that separates murder from genocide. For Jordan, this red line is when Israel expels Palestinians from the West Bank in order to create settlement space in the east

 (Lebensraum im Osten)

in the east of Israel, of course. Already with the first Palestinian, of course. Then it's genocide.

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